What Music Says

What Music Says

Wednesday 7 October 2015

We are all Human

Hey Blog buddies :)
How have you all been? Over here in Canada, the leaves are turning a crisp yellow as they fall majestically onto the sidewalk, being trampled on with a crunch. Don't you just love autumn? The canvas of colour in the forests, and the feeling of completeness. It's all so majestic.

Well, I've recently been taking a class at my University on theories of disabilities (in particular developmental disabilities). It has come to my attention that individuals with disabilities face prejudice,  segregation and insults in ways we interact with them that we are completely unaware about. Has it occurred to you that the way we address individuals with disabilities, the tone we speak to them with, and our body language sometimes results in offense and rudeness? Sometimes we consider; oh, if they have a developmental disability, they don't understand how to process such things. But let me tell you, they understand. There was this one boy that I was working closely with, and he told me this: "you know, I really hate it when people speak to me like I'm a little boy who doesn't understand what's going. Can't they just talk about hockey?" This came from a boy about my age. 19 or so, and has a developmental disability.

I thought I'd make a brief (or not so brief) point both advocating for individuals with disabilities, as well as those who are without disabilities.

First off, no one can say which is the better life to live. We can only say a life without disabilities is more convenient because of how society displays it. But to say one is a blessing over the other just shouldn't be said at all. That is a personal experience, and to be completely honest, no one will really be able to accurately tell you which is better. One may appear more convenient than the other because of how society accommodates them, but nonetheless; we are all humans living life. The one thing that does matter is that you have life. Life itself is a gift to all. Each and everyday that passes with you waking in the morning, living your daily activities, and an end of crawling into bed is a good day, a day of life, a day worth living.

Now as an advocate for those who are facing a life with disability, I can say this is a major thing. I know in the health field (which is what I'm in school studying) seems to be more of a problem which some of you might find interesting. Anyhow, enough rambling; to get to the point. People First language. Simply put, we are all individuals. We are all people. We are all human. This disability does not take away from that. We are equal. I am just as human as you are. There is no difference. To categorize individuals as a disability is frequently seen "on the streets" and in medical clinics. You often hear, "the Down's in Rm289" or "That autistic boy on the playground". Sometimes it is necessary to bring forth the awareness of the disability for the safety and concern of the individual. However, it should not be used in substitute of an address. People are not solely their conditions, even if their conditions are part of their identity.

In turn, as I have advocated for individuals who face this problem of being categorized and titled, I must also advocate for individuals who are speaking subconsciously on these matters. Sometimes, it's not brought to our intention on exactly how we ought to treat individuals with disabilities or what form of language is appropriate. It's not an act of rudeness but more of an act of ignorance and lack of understanding. Perhaps it's the fact that we need better education and exposure to the awareness of what is appropriate and appreciated by the families of those with disabilities as well as the individual affected. Individuals within society can't be the one and only blame for the rudeness that has developed. In fact, over time society as a whole has been changing and learning how to create adaptable environments for individuals with disabilities. Society will get there; we just need time, exposure and experience.

To be completely honest. This message is just for you to be aware. Have you chosen a poor set of words to title someone, or looked at someone the "wrong" way recently? Is there something that you must train yourself to do now because subconsciously you are already making rude body language based remarks? By no means do I mean to insult any of you, but I think it's a good reminder to look at ourselves in the mirror instead of constantly at others, and think "what needs to be done? Was what I did really necessary?".

Wishing you all the best! It's midterm season for me! Stress is the least of my worries! Remember to eat well, sleep well, and be well! Mental and physical health are what make an efficient individual. Sorry for the lack of music this time, but I will make up for it in the next post <3

Till Next Time!
Music is for Healing <3
JLogging It ~ JoLee

Saturday 19 September 2015

A new beginning.

First off, I'm terribly sorry to all the readers who have been posted on my updates. I know it's been too long, but lots of things have come up. I thank you for your patience, and I hope this post meets your expectations. 

Congratulations my fellow friends! I'm sure for most people, we have recently embarked on yet another wonderful adventure full of challenges and testing of boundaries, obstacles and new friendships, trust and honesty. To put in short, off to school/work we go! Whether it be elementary school, junior high, high school,  post secondary or a new job; there will be challenges.

As I have always said to myself, "Great moments in life come to an end, only so even greater moments may begin. These moments are like the sun, even though they are temporarily hidden by the clouds, we know it's there." That's kind of like life don't you think? The different stages of life come closer and closer to an end, only so you can start a new beginning. Each new beginning comes with a new experience, and a chance to find out more about who you really are. 

For me, I've just started my University life. Fascinating changes are flying by me faster than you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. (Did I spell that right? haha) But what can we obtain when we face change? How do we obtain who we are and not become assimilated into what people desire us to be? I think these are two challenges that everyone will face at least once in their lifetime, either subconsciously or consciously. First off, change is a good thing. Think of change as a blessing in disguise. I know as a child, when forced to change environments, it was complicated, difficult, and undesirable. However, trust me. There is always good to one side of change. Change creates in us a flexibility to become accepting, and to understand the complexity behind the change we cannot avoid; the unchangeable change. That's kind of odd to say eh? But this flexibility will help us adapt better to more societies in the future. It will shrink our self-built walls of protection, and show us the wonders in participating in a society potentially different from the first.

I'm sure there's much more to say on why you should coincide with the change and let it be. But let me tell you just one thing. You can rebel, get angry, be confused of your emotions and wish to go back to what you had; that's all a part of change. However, when the time comes to accept where you, don't lost track of it. Be who you are, show the world who you are. If you didn't like who you were, become who you want to be. But don't ever change who you are just to fit in with the picture. If you believe that is the optimal identity of what you want to associate yourself to, then so be it! Just remember, people now in North America aren't known as individuals because they fit in, but because they stand out. They aren't afraid to be different, to be who they are, and to show the world what they have to offer. Change is a great thing, but change shouldn't compromise your identity. Stay strong, stay you, but most of all, be happy.

I understand my approach to change may be biased, or misleading or even at times contradictory. But that's life! Sometimes you can't just stand a neutral ground, or make a clear evaluation, or even make sense when speaking to someone. But what does that say about the issue at hand? It means; experience it for yourself. Go live the change!

So that you all know, I also updated the poem I wrote in memory of my friend. For those of you who have yet to read it, here is a link. It's called Hourglass. Thanks for all the positive feedback I received in regards to my poem writing , as well as the suggestions. If you ever think there's something I can change or improve on, don't hesitate in shooting me an email or a post. Thanks for reading!

Just a little song for you. Nothing to do much with the topic of change, but I enjoy this song. Hopefully you do too :3 It's a song of Taiwanese origin, with lyrics in Mandarin. But I found a prettty good English Subbed version for you all :) This is Aaron Yan's That's Not Me. (Zhe Bushi wo)

Till Next Time ~
Music is for Healing <3
JLogging it!~ JoLee

Saturday 29 August 2015

Been too long

Hello fellow online friends and readers!
I know, it's been too long, hasn't it!? Some of you must have forgotten about me XD but it's okay! I'm coming back! Things have been kinda hectic, and I've been on vacation! Yes my American readers, I have adventured through your West Coast! Must say though... Hollywood, and DisneyLand must be considered top attractions! Haha

Well, hoping you will all have a great remainder of your summer, (if you aren't back in class yet) and for those of you who started class already... best of luck! Study hard, play hard; and in that order!

Will hopefully post something sometime soon!

Till Later!
Music is for Healing <3
JLogging it ~Jo Lee

Tuesday 23 June 2015

The Future... a plan?

Hey Everyone!!

So, this will be a bit shorter than I wished, but I'm having tendinitis problems and tumors in my wrist from excessive use of my wrist and fingers.... Too much music for me :O haha. Enjoy it though :) Sorry it's a bit late!

Can you believe it!! I am officially done school! From the first day of Gr10 to the last day of diplomas (which are Gr12 Provincial exams that weigh 50% of our university entrance marks here in Alberta). Grad (or the American Prom) was as amazing as everyone expects it to be, and all in all, these few years in High School flew by a bit too quickly. From making new friends, to maintaining social circles, keeping up marks, and going to rehearsal; it's been none the less more remarkable and unforgettable than I could imagine. These few years have definitely helped me to find who I really am, and simply shape my identity.

So when thinking about Graduation and finishing Gr12, many-a-times people ask you about your future. What are your plans? What are you going to do next year? Which university? The questions about planning your life and the many years to come are uncountable. As much as I'd like to answer them, I can't. I'm sure many of you no matter in what stage of life often come across such a problem too. At the same time, yes I've been planning, but on the other hand, it's so unpredictable. I know what I'm doing next year, and like many of my peers I'll be going to University. But even within that plan, there are still uncertainties. I don't know what will happen in the next minute, the next hour, the next few seconds. I guess this picture I took in Spain helps to picture what "the future" is like in my mind. It's a questionable thing, but I'm hoping its bright. It's kind of like walking through the fog, only able to see what is directly in front of you, but knowing there is more out there. That's the future. But I believe there is more to it than simply looking at what's in front of you. What you do in the present can also impact your future.

I have faith and hope my life will go somewhere with direction, and for that reason I desire to make an impact, which is why I have a plan for my life. One of my favorite quotes that I've been living through these past few years of High School is this by Mother Teresa: "Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with little love." What a great reminder, that to leave an impact in this world doesn't mean we have to do great things. We just have to live each passing moment doing acts of kindness with heart and passion. That's my future. I can't tell you where I will be 10 years down the road with guarantee of course, as I have big ambitions. But one thing I can guarantee you is that no matter where I am, no matter how old I am, how rough my life gets, I will aim to deliver little acts of love to those around me. That is how I will make an impact in this world. That is my future. What is yours?

Just a few songs about the future. For you gamers out there.... here's Paul McCartney's Hope for the Future from the game soundtrack Destiny.
For those of you who aren't gamers, it's okay! That song is pretty cool. But let's go back in time, and listen to the Beatles. Here is John Lennon.  This is his 'future', and what he dreamed for it to be.

Two different futures, but that's expected, as; 
 "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one".  

Till Next time <3
Music is for Healing!
JLogging it ~JoLee

Sunday 21 June 2015

Happy Father's Day!

Hey Readers!

Happy Father's Day to all the readers Fathers! For those of you who can, give your father a nice big man hug, or fist punch (or whatever you men do these days) and express how much you appreciate him. Fathers have to deal with the pain of manning up for us, and usually spoiling us, and sometimes disciplining us.Without that type of sacrifice and suffering, we would not be here today. I am thankful for my father for everything he does. He is our money tree, my economic support, my friend, someone who is way more technological than I am, and he definitely fixes everything I screw up; both materialistically and through the every day life mishaps. He wanted to be a character of influence in our family, a role model. He did more than just that, he is my foundation, my rock. Through the many times I've made him frustrated or disappointed, I know it's all out of my wrong doings and mostly carelessness or neglect, and that he just expresses his anger because he cares. He loves me when I look make physical damage to the house, am too weak to help him move furniture, and all the careless little deeds that require him only to support me more economically. On top of that he is forgiving, just like my mother. His sacrifices for me are insurmountable, and he will always be in my heart. I'm not saying my father is perfect and without fault, after all, we are all human. But he grows from his faults, and can make stories from them (and sometimes jokes XD) and comes to terms with his imperfections,  only to tell me how I can make sure it's not mine. I love him for his fortes, and his flaws. My inspiration, my source of life, my foundation. Happy Fathers Day Dad! <3

I know some of you aren't able to be with your fathers, or have fathers were unfortunately were unable to be by your side as you journeyed through life. No matter the reason, my heart and thoughts are with you. I know you have challenged through life, but I'm sure you have found your pillar of strength, and your rock. Make sure to thank them for being a fatherly figure to you. You people are the strongest, and if you choose to, I'm sure you will make great parents one day.

Here's a song shout out to all you fathers, uncles, grandparents, and all that great stuff :)

This is "Through the Eyes of My Father" - Brianna Haynes

To the one who grasped my small hands and let me walk on his feet as I grew, Happy Fathers Day!

Till Later!
Music is for Healing <3
JLogging It~ JoLee ^_^

P.S The next post will be up in a day or two. Almost done :D
Thanks !

Friday 12 June 2015

It's a Blog-aversary!

Hey readers!!

Just a huge shout out to everyone who's been reading my blog since I started it up a year ago!! It's been great to know that there are readers internationally who have been reading JLogging It's Music Is for Healing. I've met some new friends through this blog, and it's really great.

Wishing for your support in the following year to come! I know I haven't posted in a long time, but there's been some stuff that's happening, and I guess you'll hear about it in my next blog update!!

Well, here's a song that someone sent me not too long ago. I haven't posted a song in a while, but here you guys go! This is Jason Chen's Thank you. Enjoy :)

Thanks for being there everyone! And thanks for being so real! Remember, Music is for Healing!

Till Later!
Music is for Healing! <3
JLogging it  ~ JoLee <3

Sunday 10 May 2015

Happy Mother's Day!!

Hello Everyone :D

Happy Mothers day to all the mothers out there! For those of you who can, give your mother a nice big hug and express how much you appreciate her. Mothers have to deal with the pain of bearing us, their children, and without that type of sacrifice and suffering, we would not be here today. I am thankful for my mother for everything she does. She chose to stay at home, and take care of my sisters and I instead of going out to work. She wanted to be a character of influence in our family, a role model. She did more than just that, she's my hero. Through the many times I've made her angry, I know it's all out of my wrong doings, and that she just expresses her anger because she cares. She loves me when I look my worst, feel my worst, and do the worst things. On top of that she is forgiving. Her sacrifices for me are insurmountable, and she will always be in my heart. I'm not saying my mother is perfect and without fault, after all, we are all human. But she grows from her faults, and comes to terms with her imperfections, and I love her for her fortes, and her flaws. My inspiration, my source of life, my foundation. Happy Mothers Day Mom! <3

To those of you who's mothers were unable to be by your side as you journeyed through life, no matter the reason, my heart and thoughts are with you. I know you have challenged through life, but I'm sure you have found your pillar of strength, and your hero. Make sure to thank them for being a motherly character for you too. You people are the strongest, and if you choose to, I'm sure you will make great parents one day.

Here's a song shout out to all you mothers, aunts, grandma's, and motherly figures.
Boys II Men, A Song for Mamma.

Music is for Healing! 
Till later <3
JLogging it ~ JoLee

Monday 4 May 2015


Hello everyone!!

How have you all been? I know it's been a while, but you would not believe what I've been up to lately! Let's just say, multiple gigs/concerts after another, and major exams in school. Also, I'm super excited to start registering for my courses for University!! Can't wait to move ahead in life, and just cross that next hurdle.

I don't have time for a longer post for you all, as I have a major exam tomorrow, and I'm not so confident with that, but I stumbled across this video, and it's been pretty touching. Honestly, it was a great reminder that we take many things for granted. Something as simple, but complex as life itself we often don't appreciate till we realize we're about to lose it.

To all my Spanish fluent readers out there, this one's for you! But don't worry, there are also English captions. (Hence how I was able to understand what was happening! haha) Hope you can all take a moment everyday just to appreciate the little things in life, and not take them for granted before it's too late.

To read the article, or see the blog from the video, check out this link here: http://think.aplus.com/a/random-people-vs-cancer-patients-answer-same-questions-on-life?utm_campaign=i102&utm_source=a46999&so=WbvLHVEdGBGKFAbKKvvr69&ref=ns

Happy Music Monday Everyone!
Music is for healing <3
Till Later!
JLogging it ~ JoLee

Thursday 16 April 2015

One's true strength

Hello world :)

I know it's been a long time since I posted anything "real", but it's been crazy busy! The school year is wrapping up, I'm finishing off High School, and getting ready to go into University. There is so much left to be done. It's crazy what an 11 day trip can do to your school work load :P haha.

So this is a little clip that I found. It's been cycling around for a couple years now from what I know, but I'm sure there are still plenty of people who have yet to see it. It's about a boy who has EB (Epidermolysis Bullosa). It is a rare genetic skin condition where the skin is extremely fragile, and will form painful blisters when touched or caused friction against. This below is the story of a young boy who decides his life can make a difference, and that he can find the strength to go on, and live happily day after day. View discretion is advised. The pictures may not be ideal for all viewers. This video is 13 minutes long so you know. 

I present to you, a TSN original, the Butterfly Boy.

For more on Jonathan's story, check out the webpage : 

True strength is more than the strength inherited or the physical muscular type bodies. There is the psychological and emotional strength. This strength can't always be passed down genetically, and requires individuals to build. The strength of an individual lies in them alone, and their willingness to press on and face whatever life may bring them, one day at a time. 

Music is for Healing!
Till Later! <3
JLogging It ~ JoLee

Monday 30 March 2015

and.. I'm back!!

Hello Readers!

It's great to back in Canada. Just got back from a flight yesterday, and let me tell you..... an 8 hour difference doesn't sound like much, but your body knows it! The jet lag is real! So I went with my school to Spain, as many of you would know, and here's just a blog site that one of our supervisors updated daily. Check it out :). I have also attached a photo video made by one of the Spanish audience members from our last outdoor concert. Check it out!!


Here's just a few pictures for you all to get a little taste of Spain! If you have never been, hopefully one day you can get a little snip it of it yourself!

This is a picture of the Mediterranean Sea from the top of the Castella Costa Blanca in Alicante, Spain. It is beautiful, and sunny!

This picture to the right is an overseeing of parts of Barcelona from the uphill climb within Park Guell. Definitely one of the tourist highlights in Barcelona. Very beautiful greenery and scenery!

Last but not least, here is a picture of the inner pools in the Muslim Palaces of La Alhambra in Granada, Spain. One of the most delicately done architectural works I have seen. They used colours, patterns, engravings, and much more. Fountains were definitely a nice touch!

For those of you wondering, yes I did take these pictures.. so sorry if they are blurry, or oddly focused. After all, I'm no photographer! haha

Working on my next piece for you all :)

Hope you've had a fantastic two weeks. And here's some Spanish music to brighten up your day :) This piece, our band actually played in Spain. I have not yet received a recording of us playing, but this is a cool touch. Portillo Andaluz by Juan Manuel Molina Milla.

Till Later!
Music is for Healing <3
JLogging it ~ JoLee

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Time Away

Hi Everyone!

So I know things have been a bit here and there with my blog posts, but hopefully you are all okay with that. So that you know, I leave for Spain in less than 24 hours! Yay! That means I will not be able to make a blog post for at least 2 weeks. This will be my short "time away", but I'll be sure to write some sick stuff for you guys when I'm back.

Wishing all those who are going to be on Spring Break a peaceful and enjoyable time. And if you aren't, just enjoy life! It's worth it :)

Smile! Cause the world will always move on, even if you aren't. So make the best of it :D

La Música No Tiene Fronteras
Music knows no borders 

Till Next time!
Music is for Healing <3
JLogging it ~ JoLee

Thursday 12 March 2015


Hey readers! Sorry for the long wait, but it's been tough lately. I'll be in Spain for 2 weeks with my school during Spring Break to travel and share music from around the world. It'll be a blast! After all, they say....Music knows no borders! That's our motto :3

So this next blog post is gonna be a bit different. Probably not much like the poems you normally read. Hope you enjoy it. 

The Hourglass

The earth shattering slam of the wooden door
lay in reminisces of chalky slivers.
A fist of iron, and a body of rock
now crouches against a wall
using it as a boulder of support.
No other news could have been as 
life shattering
life changing
life altering.
He will 
Never be the same

What could be better than
a friend in a time of need.
Care and comfort,
sharing of thoughts.
A victim
 a declared host for
a growing intruder in his brain
that will one day, 
take complete dominance.
I, the friend could help with
I could do,
I could only watch and assume
things will be okay.

Years of friendship. 
The uncountable memories
Ice cream wars, popcorn fights
staying up late emailing
chasing each other in the park.
Now all was nothing but a moving picture
trying to burn itself 
into the deepest depths of my mind.

Heart to heart
mind to mind
hand in hand
staring at the night sky.
The glistening of hope
shooting across the forbidden depths 
of eternity.
Oh how we wished 
life could be
filled with hope

"Time is running out" 
he had one last wish
"Be my girl" 

The one guy that I would 
and fight with
only had eyes for me.
Blinking up a storm, 
trying to meander through 
the vortex of confusion and shock
which enveloped me in a craze.
What could I possibly say?

The ticking of the bomb never diminishes
the seconds get closer
to forever darkness
and here I stay
unable to make a judgement
Yes or No
three letters
or two?
Torture haunting like a lurking shadow
constantly following me with pain.
But in the end, 
my words hurt him
more than his words could ever
hurt me.

Not long after, 
the raven flew across the sky,
closing his chapter
with no last goodbye. 
But I did receive a letter
and let me tell you,
it sure made me cry.
The words 
"I will always love you,
you've saved my life"
etched into the pale
but ragged paper.
Yet I won't ever know

Who could help, but let the tears
pour like faucets from their eyes
It wasn't till then that I finally realized
I was too late.
All this time I realized,
I was running away
from the words I was scared he'd say.
But in reality
I had forgotten
the promise we made
that he 
and I
would be
each others confidants

What hurts the most
is watching you leave.
Never did I want to say 
Yet now I know
that in life
the hourglass keeps draining.
The sand keeps spilling,
sometimes you can flip it over
and start anew,
but other times
the glass falls off the table
and you are left
with what you can't undo.

Don't wait until that moment
where you wish you could redo
the little things in life.
Don't wait to realize 
you were
a little too late.

In memory of my great friend Matt, who left this world way too soon. Missing you day after day. In our hearts forever bud!

Thanks for reading! Hopefully that wasn't too long and a drag to read. I figured I would try a way to write it so that it wasn't direct story telling. 

Here's a few songs. They are all sadder songs, that don't result in a happy ending. Give them a listen if you're up for it!

Here is Rascal Flatts ~ What Hurts the Most

Sam Tsui ~ Bring Me the Night

Yuya Matsushita~ Last Dance '06 

Music is for healing! <3
Till Later!!
JLogging It~ JoLee

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Something all Teenagers Should See

Hey JLogging it readers!

I'm sorry it's been a long time. Almost a month! Hope you all are doing fabulous! I've been crazy busy with University applications, and simply finishing off High School, but I realized that's not an excuse to neglect all you great people.

Upon one of my classes this week, my teacher was looking up inspiring sports related YouTube videos for us to see. Yes, this class was Sports Medicine XD. Anyhow... she stumbled upon this video, and let us watch through it unintentionally. It really made me think though honestly. There are some points that took me by surprise, bringing a completely new revelation to my concept of societal norms and life itself. Some I may have to disagree with, but the statement itself does bring up a very good point.  Check it out and let me know what you think! I know it was uploaded way back in 2010, so many of you may have already seen this a few years back. But who knows, maybe seeing it again now will have a different impression, as I assume we are constantly getting more and more mature. But then again, we all have that playful child like side to us as well.

What do you think about it all?

Hope this satisfies your burning souls behind the understanding of life and human conditions. I'll be working on my next real work for you all. Thanks for your dedication and patience.

Till next time!
Music is for Healing ~ <3
JLogging it ~ JoLee

Friday 13 February 2015

Happy Valentines Day!

Honestly, I don't know if it's Valentine's or Valentines... or Valentines'... but that's okay! You guys all get the point! XD For some of you this post may be a day early, or just on time... but that's what time-change can do to the world! Somewhere in this world, it's Valentines Day, and somewhere in this world, it's the day before.... but it's never too late or early to share the love you have for your special someone :3

Hm, as a special treat (or poison to your eyes and mind cause it's not the greatest  XD haha), I guess I'll write another 2 part poem for you all. Hope you are enjoying the weekend with your loved ones! And if they aren't around to be there with you at this very moment, I can almost guarantee they are thinking of you as much as you are thinking of them, if not more.

         Our Cycle of Love

wasn't an easy process
time and sweat and tears it took
She's not perfect
 my friends laugh and say
but to me there is no one
that's more worthy of
every minute in my day
Her laugh is bright and brisk
with a little crunch that makes me twitch
Her hands are small and fragile
Something I hold with care
making sure it doesn't break when
the winter air bites hard against
her skin that's oh so fair.
With eyes that glisten in the moon,
and a voice as gentle as a hollow shepherd's flute,
that when ringing in its vibrant chords of song
makes my soul melt and yearn for more
There's no one else I wish to spend
this Valentines day with
A joy, a beauty, a women so loving and fair
My every second I can't help but keep
my mind
my thoughts
my eyes
on this one creation that seems to be 
meant for me
In the end, all I can wish
is that she is mine
 and I am hers
and for eternity we will be 

Forget him
were words that flew through my head
the tears and inner turmoil
weren't worth my time
He has hurt me more than once
It's always his fault
being so insecure
about making the right decision,
saying the right thing to me
but then again
its sometimes me.
A love that is painful isn't worth
fighting for.
At least, that's what I use to think,
but now I realize
Never can I neglect that face
Eyes with no end that stare
into eternity
The crooked smile that lay
upon his face when he was nervous, or
the wavy bed head 
that I desired to run my fingers through
His voice
The depth and sincerity in his voice
when he told me he loved me
I will never forget that day
 the resonance in my ears 
confirming the one thing I desired
For his caring attitude
his loving smile
his always forgiving nature
The comforting embrace
filled with warmth and security
I love him
Valentines day or not
I will always be with him
Hand in hand, heart to heart, 
he is mine
Never will I be able to 
forget him

Hopefully you all caught on to the cycle of the poem! Its just a cool think I thought might work, but it might not. I'm not sure, let me know :) So, hopefully you're all enjoying Valentines day with someone awesome :) And if not this year, there are many more years to come :D I know its probably not the greatest thing you've read, but I've been in a bit of a time crunch lately with lots going on. Please be understanding.

For all you nerdy freaks like me, here's a cheesy science love song for y'all :) 


Till later!
Music is For Healing! <3
JLogging It ~ JoLee ^_^  

Monday 19 January 2015

Stick with it, the little minutes add up!

Hello my fellow global friends!! It's been a while, but I have a special treat for you all. It's exam break for me here in Canada as a high school student, so I've been at exam prep sessions, and studying for a good portion of the days. Being the musician I am, that means even more rehearsals conductors and directors can call! Well, speaking of special treats, I got my friend Sailingpoet to write a short blog entry for you all. Hope you enjoy it! He's a great friend of mine, and we attend the same school and play in quite a few bands together. He'll probably end up as some big name musician in the future, so keep your eyes and ears peeled! Enough of this rambling: here's from Sailingpoet. 

Hey all! Well firstly it's such a pleasure to have JoLee ask me to write something up for this blog! Anyhow, I'm Sailingpoet, I write “Written Under Dire Circumstances” which is kinda my new original poetry vent out to the world on blogspot. If you threw together a concoction of poet, sailor (if you couldn't tell), musician, nerd, hopeless dreamer and a fair pinch of bizarre, it'd come up close to me. Kinda. Sorta. Not really. -.-

Kay enough background info.. Lately in my hot water induced philosophical moments (showers) I've been really thinking about a lot of the things that bother my mind. Anyhoo, I'd like to share this small moment of reflection with you: We live in a world essentially governed by time. Most often, we don't have nearly enough to do everything we really want to do. In a regular week, I'm home for less time than I'm away half the time. Does it strain with hobbies, friendships, relationships, sleep, work, etc? Of course. A lot of my friends are just as busy if not busier. Usually it's fine since we're busy together and could really care less about anything else that's going on. When we're not, it gets a little messier and significantly harder to accomplish anything, It's almost a miracle that it isn't completely falling apart into utter disaster, but I think I've deciphered some of the values that bind us together!

Personally, I think the most important aspect is patience. It may seem so obvious but it's displayed in such a subtle way that it actually required some profound self exploration to realize it for myself. Everyone important in my life has never given up on me on the basis on not having enough time. Those that are fortunate enough to not be bogged down by school, rehearsals, work as well as those that live out of town (and even out of province) deserve a special shoutout for still sticking around. This goes the other way round too. Some people are fantastic yet their most interesting lives don't really leave much room for anything else (that's an impressive feat being busier than I am). Well, in no way is it a one sided unrequited attempt in conversation so it's in these cases, that I feel that I've got something amazing here, and a little time or lack of is nothing compared to how important it is. IMO, the stupidest excuse of all time has to be lacking that patience to just wait it out and just be there because that in itself is dedication. I guess the main point here is, time or lack of time shouldn't matter. The smallest moments add up in the long run and they should be capitalized upon. Abuse those tiny moments in time and squeeze every ounce of it cause bigger moments are harder to come by!

That ended up a little longer than I expected.... Again, tons of thanks to JoLee!!! :D This wouldn't of been possible without. I hope you enjoyed my insights as much as you enjoy reading this blog whether you're a returning reader or a brand new one. Maybe you'll see more of me again in the near future(?) whether that's cause for celebration or not.... Thanks a lot for having me (and surviving through this), world!

This is my jam. Livin' by the wise words of Earth, Wind & Fire :3

Till later!

Thanks for your support and reading everyone! If you have feedback, or any comments you would like to pass on to Sailingpoet, feel free to email me, or comment, and I'll pass on the word! Be sure to check out his blogspot. Some pretty cool stuff! Here's the link http://sailingpoet.blogspot.ca/

Till Later!Music is for Healing! <3JLoggingit ~JoLee

Thursday 1 January 2015

Happy New Year!!!

Hello WORLD!! It's officially 2015!! I am happy for the year that passed and its many blessings, but also excited for the struggles and challenges that will help me to grow as an individual this year :) I would just like to take the time to ask that you all continue to support me in my blog writing this coming year as well. Thanks to those who have supported me in the past 6 months. I'll maybe start opening up spots where people can make their own blog posts on my site as well :D Look forward to it!!

So as tradition... 3 resolutions, and 3 promises.

1. To not procrastinate when it comes to decisions for my future. (ex. University, job applications, scholarship applications, etc.)
2. To do all my work with a positive attitude. A lot of the time we are faced with responsibilities that we must do, but there may sometimes be circumstance in the way of it all.
3. To learn when to say "no". I often take on more than I can handle, or create for myself an excuse to do what I can't say no to.

1. To not give up when things get tough
2. To be a friend to those in need, and not be selfish, but selfless with relentless amounts of kindness
3. To never say "it's not you, it's me." At least give a reasonable response with a real reason. No matter who the other person is... they should at least get to know a decent response. (At least rephrase the standard a little ;) haha)

So that's it for me! What about you?

Well, I should probably start doing all that school work that's due.... :P hahah Procrastination shouldn't be an excuse anymore for anything.. Hahaha.

Happy New Year everyone!!

Till Later!
Music is for Healing <3
JLogging it ~ JoLee