What Music Says

What Music Says

Tuesday 23 June 2015

The Future... a plan?

Hey Everyone!!

So, this will be a bit shorter than I wished, but I'm having tendinitis problems and tumors in my wrist from excessive use of my wrist and fingers.... Too much music for me :O haha. Enjoy it though :) Sorry it's a bit late!

Can you believe it!! I am officially done school! From the first day of Gr10 to the last day of diplomas (which are Gr12 Provincial exams that weigh 50% of our university entrance marks here in Alberta). Grad (or the American Prom) was as amazing as everyone expects it to be, and all in all, these few years in High School flew by a bit too quickly. From making new friends, to maintaining social circles, keeping up marks, and going to rehearsal; it's been none the less more remarkable and unforgettable than I could imagine. These few years have definitely helped me to find who I really am, and simply shape my identity.

So when thinking about Graduation and finishing Gr12, many-a-times people ask you about your future. What are your plans? What are you going to do next year? Which university? The questions about planning your life and the many years to come are uncountable. As much as I'd like to answer them, I can't. I'm sure many of you no matter in what stage of life often come across such a problem too. At the same time, yes I've been planning, but on the other hand, it's so unpredictable. I know what I'm doing next year, and like many of my peers I'll be going to University. But even within that plan, there are still uncertainties. I don't know what will happen in the next minute, the next hour, the next few seconds. I guess this picture I took in Spain helps to picture what "the future" is like in my mind. It's a questionable thing, but I'm hoping its bright. It's kind of like walking through the fog, only able to see what is directly in front of you, but knowing there is more out there. That's the future. But I believe there is more to it than simply looking at what's in front of you. What you do in the present can also impact your future.

I have faith and hope my life will go somewhere with direction, and for that reason I desire to make an impact, which is why I have a plan for my life. One of my favorite quotes that I've been living through these past few years of High School is this by Mother Teresa: "Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with little love." What a great reminder, that to leave an impact in this world doesn't mean we have to do great things. We just have to live each passing moment doing acts of kindness with heart and passion. That's my future. I can't tell you where I will be 10 years down the road with guarantee of course, as I have big ambitions. But one thing I can guarantee you is that no matter where I am, no matter how old I am, how rough my life gets, I will aim to deliver little acts of love to those around me. That is how I will make an impact in this world. That is my future. What is yours?

Just a few songs about the future. For you gamers out there.... here's Paul McCartney's Hope for the Future from the game soundtrack Destiny.
For those of you who aren't gamers, it's okay! That song is pretty cool. But let's go back in time, and listen to the Beatles. Here is John Lennon.  This is his 'future', and what he dreamed for it to be.

Two different futures, but that's expected, as; 
 "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one".  

Till Next time <3
Music is for Healing!
JLogging it ~JoLee

Sunday 21 June 2015

Happy Father's Day!

Hey Readers!

Happy Father's Day to all the readers Fathers! For those of you who can, give your father a nice big man hug, or fist punch (or whatever you men do these days) and express how much you appreciate him. Fathers have to deal with the pain of manning up for us, and usually spoiling us, and sometimes disciplining us.Without that type of sacrifice and suffering, we would not be here today. I am thankful for my father for everything he does. He is our money tree, my economic support, my friend, someone who is way more technological than I am, and he definitely fixes everything I screw up; both materialistically and through the every day life mishaps. He wanted to be a character of influence in our family, a role model. He did more than just that, he is my foundation, my rock. Through the many times I've made him frustrated or disappointed, I know it's all out of my wrong doings and mostly carelessness or neglect, and that he just expresses his anger because he cares. He loves me when I look make physical damage to the house, am too weak to help him move furniture, and all the careless little deeds that require him only to support me more economically. On top of that he is forgiving, just like my mother. His sacrifices for me are insurmountable, and he will always be in my heart. I'm not saying my father is perfect and without fault, after all, we are all human. But he grows from his faults, and can make stories from them (and sometimes jokes XD) and comes to terms with his imperfections,  only to tell me how I can make sure it's not mine. I love him for his fortes, and his flaws. My inspiration, my source of life, my foundation. Happy Fathers Day Dad! <3

I know some of you aren't able to be with your fathers, or have fathers were unfortunately were unable to be by your side as you journeyed through life. No matter the reason, my heart and thoughts are with you. I know you have challenged through life, but I'm sure you have found your pillar of strength, and your rock. Make sure to thank them for being a fatherly figure to you. You people are the strongest, and if you choose to, I'm sure you will make great parents one day.

Here's a song shout out to all you fathers, uncles, grandparents, and all that great stuff :)

This is "Through the Eyes of My Father" - Brianna Haynes

To the one who grasped my small hands and let me walk on his feet as I grew, Happy Fathers Day!

Till Later!
Music is for Healing <3
JLogging It~ JoLee ^_^

P.S The next post will be up in a day or two. Almost done :D
Thanks !

Friday 12 June 2015

It's a Blog-aversary!

Hey readers!!

Just a huge shout out to everyone who's been reading my blog since I started it up a year ago!! It's been great to know that there are readers internationally who have been reading JLogging It's Music Is for Healing. I've met some new friends through this blog, and it's really great.

Wishing for your support in the following year to come! I know I haven't posted in a long time, but there's been some stuff that's happening, and I guess you'll hear about it in my next blog update!!

Well, here's a song that someone sent me not too long ago. I haven't posted a song in a while, but here you guys go! This is Jason Chen's Thank you. Enjoy :)

Thanks for being there everyone! And thanks for being so real! Remember, Music is for Healing!

Till Later!
Music is for Healing! <3
JLogging it  ~ JoLee <3