What Music Says

What Music Says

Monday 30 March 2015

and.. I'm back!!

Hello Readers!

It's great to back in Canada. Just got back from a flight yesterday, and let me tell you..... an 8 hour difference doesn't sound like much, but your body knows it! The jet lag is real! So I went with my school to Spain, as many of you would know, and here's just a blog site that one of our supervisors updated daily. Check it out :). I have also attached a photo video made by one of the Spanish audience members from our last outdoor concert. Check it out!!


Here's just a few pictures for you all to get a little taste of Spain! If you have never been, hopefully one day you can get a little snip it of it yourself!

This is a picture of the Mediterranean Sea from the top of the Castella Costa Blanca in Alicante, Spain. It is beautiful, and sunny!

This picture to the right is an overseeing of parts of Barcelona from the uphill climb within Park Guell. Definitely one of the tourist highlights in Barcelona. Very beautiful greenery and scenery!

Last but not least, here is a picture of the inner pools in the Muslim Palaces of La Alhambra in Granada, Spain. One of the most delicately done architectural works I have seen. They used colours, patterns, engravings, and much more. Fountains were definitely a nice touch!

For those of you wondering, yes I did take these pictures.. so sorry if they are blurry, or oddly focused. After all, I'm no photographer! haha

Working on my next piece for you all :)

Hope you've had a fantastic two weeks. And here's some Spanish music to brighten up your day :) This piece, our band actually played in Spain. I have not yet received a recording of us playing, but this is a cool touch. Portillo Andaluz by Juan Manuel Molina Milla.

Till Later!
Music is for Healing <3
JLogging it ~ JoLee

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Time Away

Hi Everyone!

So I know things have been a bit here and there with my blog posts, but hopefully you are all okay with that. So that you know, I leave for Spain in less than 24 hours! Yay! That means I will not be able to make a blog post for at least 2 weeks. This will be my short "time away", but I'll be sure to write some sick stuff for you guys when I'm back.

Wishing all those who are going to be on Spring Break a peaceful and enjoyable time. And if you aren't, just enjoy life! It's worth it :)

Smile! Cause the world will always move on, even if you aren't. So make the best of it :D

La Música No Tiene Fronteras
Music knows no borders 

Till Next time!
Music is for Healing <3
JLogging it ~ JoLee

Thursday 12 March 2015


Hey readers! Sorry for the long wait, but it's been tough lately. I'll be in Spain for 2 weeks with my school during Spring Break to travel and share music from around the world. It'll be a blast! After all, they say....Music knows no borders! That's our motto :3

So this next blog post is gonna be a bit different. Probably not much like the poems you normally read. Hope you enjoy it. 

The Hourglass

The earth shattering slam of the wooden door
lay in reminisces of chalky slivers.
A fist of iron, and a body of rock
now crouches against a wall
using it as a boulder of support.
No other news could have been as 
life shattering
life changing
life altering.
He will 
Never be the same

What could be better than
a friend in a time of need.
Care and comfort,
sharing of thoughts.
A victim
 a declared host for
a growing intruder in his brain
that will one day, 
take complete dominance.
I, the friend could help with
I could do,
I could only watch and assume
things will be okay.

Years of friendship. 
The uncountable memories
Ice cream wars, popcorn fights
staying up late emailing
chasing each other in the park.
Now all was nothing but a moving picture
trying to burn itself 
into the deepest depths of my mind.

Heart to heart
mind to mind
hand in hand
staring at the night sky.
The glistening of hope
shooting across the forbidden depths 
of eternity.
Oh how we wished 
life could be
filled with hope

"Time is running out" 
he had one last wish
"Be my girl" 

The one guy that I would 
and fight with
only had eyes for me.
Blinking up a storm, 
trying to meander through 
the vortex of confusion and shock
which enveloped me in a craze.
What could I possibly say?

The ticking of the bomb never diminishes
the seconds get closer
to forever darkness
and here I stay
unable to make a judgement
Yes or No
three letters
or two?
Torture haunting like a lurking shadow
constantly following me with pain.
But in the end, 
my words hurt him
more than his words could ever
hurt me.

Not long after, 
the raven flew across the sky,
closing his chapter
with no last goodbye. 
But I did receive a letter
and let me tell you,
it sure made me cry.
The words 
"I will always love you,
you've saved my life"
etched into the pale
but ragged paper.
Yet I won't ever know

Who could help, but let the tears
pour like faucets from their eyes
It wasn't till then that I finally realized
I was too late.
All this time I realized,
I was running away
from the words I was scared he'd say.
But in reality
I had forgotten
the promise we made
that he 
and I
would be
each others confidants

What hurts the most
is watching you leave.
Never did I want to say 
Yet now I know
that in life
the hourglass keeps draining.
The sand keeps spilling,
sometimes you can flip it over
and start anew,
but other times
the glass falls off the table
and you are left
with what you can't undo.

Don't wait until that moment
where you wish you could redo
the little things in life.
Don't wait to realize 
you were
a little too late.

In memory of my great friend Matt, who left this world way too soon. Missing you day after day. In our hearts forever bud!

Thanks for reading! Hopefully that wasn't too long and a drag to read. I figured I would try a way to write it so that it wasn't direct story telling. 

Here's a few songs. They are all sadder songs, that don't result in a happy ending. Give them a listen if you're up for it!

Here is Rascal Flatts ~ What Hurts the Most

Sam Tsui ~ Bring Me the Night

Yuya Matsushita~ Last Dance '06 

Music is for healing! <3
Till Later!!
JLogging It~ JoLee

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Something all Teenagers Should See

Hey JLogging it readers!

I'm sorry it's been a long time. Almost a month! Hope you all are doing fabulous! I've been crazy busy with University applications, and simply finishing off High School, but I realized that's not an excuse to neglect all you great people.

Upon one of my classes this week, my teacher was looking up inspiring sports related YouTube videos for us to see. Yes, this class was Sports Medicine XD. Anyhow... she stumbled upon this video, and let us watch through it unintentionally. It really made me think though honestly. There are some points that took me by surprise, bringing a completely new revelation to my concept of societal norms and life itself. Some I may have to disagree with, but the statement itself does bring up a very good point.  Check it out and let me know what you think! I know it was uploaded way back in 2010, so many of you may have already seen this a few years back. But who knows, maybe seeing it again now will have a different impression, as I assume we are constantly getting more and more mature. But then again, we all have that playful child like side to us as well.

What do you think about it all?

Hope this satisfies your burning souls behind the understanding of life and human conditions. I'll be working on my next real work for you all. Thanks for your dedication and patience.

Till next time!
Music is for Healing ~ <3
JLogging it ~ JoLee