What Music Says

What Music Says

Wednesday 31 December 2014

New Year's Eve!!

Wow. I can't believe it's New Year's Eve already! It's been great writing this blog for about.. what... 6 months now? So glad to be able to make international friends, and get some input on my writings. Thanks for all your support.

So as a tradition, I've always done 2 things when it comes to New Years. Part A: On New Year's Eve, I make a list of 5 things that I'm thankful for in the year. Part B: On New Year's Day, I make 3 resolutions, and 3 promises. You should all give it a try :) It's kinda fun :D

Well, here goes nothing!!

I am thankful for...
1. Friends and family who have helped me through all my struggles in the past year. There have been times that were tough, but they were always there relentlessly pushing me forwards.
2. This blog, where I can make new friends, as well as vent or share my thoughts with the world
3. A chance at everything I can do. There are so many things I can take for granted, and I seem to lack the understanding of the significance till its too late.
4. A health care system that I can depend on when I'm in need of it.
5. The ability to graduate from High School this coming year. My teachers are generally great, and I've learnt a lot. I can't wait to see what University has to offer!

What are you thankful for in the events that have happened in your life this year? Worth looking back on? Anything you'd change?

Happy New Year everyone! Here is Auld Lang Syne. Enjoy :)

Final note... if you plan on drinking on New Year's. Please don't drink and drive... a possible individual's life is worth far more than your convenience and carelessness. Call a cab! Get a DD!

Happy New Year my blog readers :)

Music is for Healing <3
Till Later!
JLogging it ~ JoLee

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