What Music Says

What Music Says

Wednesday 31 December 2014

New Year's Eve!!

Wow. I can't believe it's New Year's Eve already! It's been great writing this blog for about.. what... 6 months now? So glad to be able to make international friends, and get some input on my writings. Thanks for all your support.

So as a tradition, I've always done 2 things when it comes to New Years. Part A: On New Year's Eve, I make a list of 5 things that I'm thankful for in the year. Part B: On New Year's Day, I make 3 resolutions, and 3 promises. You should all give it a try :) It's kinda fun :D

Well, here goes nothing!!

I am thankful for...
1. Friends and family who have helped me through all my struggles in the past year. There have been times that were tough, but they were always there relentlessly pushing me forwards.
2. This blog, where I can make new friends, as well as vent or share my thoughts with the world
3. A chance at everything I can do. There are so many things I can take for granted, and I seem to lack the understanding of the significance till its too late.
4. A health care system that I can depend on when I'm in need of it.
5. The ability to graduate from High School this coming year. My teachers are generally great, and I've learnt a lot. I can't wait to see what University has to offer!

What are you thankful for in the events that have happened in your life this year? Worth looking back on? Anything you'd change?

Happy New Year everyone! Here is Auld Lang Syne. Enjoy :)

Final note... if you plan on drinking on New Year's. Please don't drink and drive... a possible individual's life is worth far more than your convenience and carelessness. Call a cab! Get a DD!

Happy New Year my blog readers :)

Music is for Healing <3
Till Later!
JLogging it ~ JoLee

Saturday 20 December 2014

From two to one

Hey Readers! It's the holiday season and I'm super excited! Sorry for the lack of posts lately. As a musician, there are far too many concerts one can be involved with during this season. I'm just thinking of a great time that I can spend with friends and family this Christmas Season, and I'm hoping you guys will enjoy it with your loved ones. I thought I'd try a poem about a topic I never write about.. but we'll see how it goes. The composition of two relatively foreign concepts...  Let me know what you think!

From Two to One

Like waves a' crashing into the sand
or the moon reflecting the beauty of the sun
A librettist configuring his libretto
The potter shaping his clay
A hummingbird feeding off an orchid
A snowflake so gently touching to tip of your nose
The horizon meeting the prairies.
That's what I wish for us to be
No longer will it just be you, or just be me
but something with
both you and me.
Just as the waves wouldn't dance towards the sand
if no sand was in place
and how the moon would hide its phases in solitude
if not for the glow of that fiery star.
The clay holds no shape without its potter
and a song without a composer, is no song at all.
The beauty of an orchid can't be passed on,
if not for the love of a hummingbird that feeds on
the beauty of nature
through snowflakes melting
on the tip of your nose
creates for me a memory which without you
I wouldn't know
Never wanting it to end, like the undying
horizon with no end.
This is my desire for you and
For us to be
Together, complimenting
what we each hold strong
and to create
an even stronger picture where nothing goes wrong
A love that's fair 
but a love that's undying
A love that's worth fighting.

Found this really cute song yesterday! Perfect Two
Just so you know, "Merry" isn't the right marry.  

Merry Christmas :D

Till Later!  
Music is for Healing <3
JLogging it ~ JoLee