What Music Says

What Music Says

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Small Note

Hey! Thanks to the few who have been caring and messaged me. I'm fine, but a bit stressed with my personal life lately.  I'm sorry it's been close to a month and a half since my last blog entry. Sorry to you all. It's been a busy summer! Lots of fun, but lots of troubling thoughts too. I can't really say much right now, but I'm hoping you all had a great summer and are back into the swing of normal life! It's going to get hectic! I can feel it :P. Well, as for me... It's snowing... and it's only Sept.9th. CRAZY STUFF!! Back in school, graduating year... BUSY BUSY BUSY!!! But I do have some thoughts to share. Forgive me for the grammar and just.. terrible writing >.<

There are those who are strong willed at heart
They can ignore all the heartless words flying around in this world.
Their confident strides
Nose held high
Self confidence like no other. 
But perhaps, there will be a point where they break.
A weapon stronger than any other
Sharper than the edge of a sword.
Our tongues
They speak what we only ought to ignore
They drip of dark venom
intoxicating words that change the world
But a danger far closer than what meets the eye, 
the change of individuals.
Words can change ones thoughts,
Make them believe what they don't want to believe
Change who they think they are
Cause chaos in the minds 
that once were filled with peace
The madness is insane
Who am I?
Where am I?
What is this place?
One day,
They'll stare into the eyes of that mirror
and say
"There's something there...
But that isn't me."
Why would one be unable to recognize
Their own self?
Their own features?
Their own characteristics?
Their identity?
It's all because,
not long ago,
We told them so.
We told them what not to believe
We told them what they are
who they are not
and who they aught to become. 
The person they now see
 is a nightmare
All because
We told them so

Haha. I can't write poems. But I have a project in English, so I thought I'd work on a few. Hopefully you were able to understand what I'm trying to capture. I've got essays to write and music to arrange. Thanks for reading. Unfortunately, no music today. But keep your head held high and don't be afraid to be you.

Till Later!
Music is For Healing <3
JLogging It ~ JoLee

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