What Music Says

What Music Says

Thursday 26 June 2014

Dealing with Grief

Upon request from a friend on Facebook and a blogger from Russia, I've been asked to write a post on the coping of grief. We all deal with grief at some point in our lives. Some may be mild, some may be crushing, and some may make you feel like you've hit rock bottom. Considering there are so many different circumstances in which grief can occur, and where it may come from, there are different ways one can cope with it. However, there are general similarities with ways one can cope with grief.
Throughout my life, I have befriended many cancer patients of varying age. Some are family friends and some you just happen to meet when making a hospital trip. You realize that they themselves don't always grieve over the situation they are in, but seek for the joy's they have in life. Yet, how did they get past the initial point of grief and emotional depression? I often ask them this question myself, and their answers are all relatively similar. In fact, even a doctor at the Mayo Clinic in the States has stated something similar to their words.

1. The biggest thing they said is to acknowledge that the pain is there. Be mindful that you are grieving, be aware that you are going through emotional suffering. This helps with the process of dealing with acceptance over the matter. They often tell me once you acknowledge the situation that brings you grief, you no longer run from it, allowing you to move on.
2. Find Support. People seek for friendships, relationships and the comforts from their loved ones all the time. Having people to support you not only lets others become aware you are in grief, but allows you to be proactive about your thoughts. You can express your feelings through conversation instead of keeping it bundled inside. This helps to ease up the tension that the grief may be causing you before a mass breakdown.
3. Allow yourself time. You don't always have to be immediately back in the swing of things, and don't purposely hide your grief. Sometimes it's better to let an emotion go and deal with itself, before coming back to your typical routine of life. Time won't always heal everything, but it is an important factor to moving on.
4. Set a Goal. What are you looking most forward to in the future? Make it your goal, set something to work towards, and that will help push you out of grief and cause you to continue to work hard.Provide for yourself a direction to move towards, instead of idling in the present pain.

These are the general points that I have collected from cancer patients that I know and have spoke with. They are all dealing with their grief very well, which I am extremely thankful for. Grief appears in everyone's life at some point. It is nothing to be ashamed of. Talk to someone, it helps.
So, I've got a list of songs for you guys this time!! Cause music heals ;)

Lost of a family member? A sibling, or someone younger than you?
It's Okay to Cry 
Dealing with Loss?
Not a Day Goes By ~Lonestar
Like to listen to Classical Music?
Vocalise Rachmaninov
Thais Meditation Massenet
Like Upbeat songs for grieving?
Try It's Okay to Cry ~Amanda Wilkinson
We Cry ~ The Script

Music is for Healing! <3
Till later
JLogging it ~ Jo Lee

Saturday 21 June 2014

Where are you the most beautiful?

Recently, I've seen a live presentation based on a letter that has gone viral. It's about this father who is at a make-up aisle at Target, and he decides to write this letter to his daughter about beauty. Here's the link to the letter if you feel like reading it. Dad's Letter to Daughter.  After reading this article, watching this live presentation, you can't help but to focus on the last part few sentences he says. Where are you the most beautiful?
Kids all around the world today are caught up in the physical appearance of beauty. Watching these elementary students shop in the make-up aisles, and the make-up and cosmetic toys they can purchase at young ages... it's all overwhelming. To what extent has society made us think the joy in our lives comes from the beauty we are able to display? And to what means is our beauty rated by society externally and not internally? Does our appearance matter more to others than our nature? Sometimes as a teen myself, I wonder.. What is society trying to make stand out to us? Sure, they may say things like "oh, beauty is from the inside out" or "you are beautiful just the way you are". But cosmetic companies need the advertisements, they need the profit, they want to make you feel inadequate so you purchase their products to feel beautiful. Do our lives revolve around the fact that we compare our beauty to those around us, and only through physical appearance? What would happen if we all rated beauty from the inside, and appearance wasn't even significant? How would our world change? 
All in all, each person is beautiful. Hearing the message from the Father to the daughter, and seeing the live performance really makes it stand out. we are all beautiful in our own way. Therefore, where are you the most beautiful? 

Here's a clip to you all, Britt Nicole's Gold. 

Music is for Healing! <3
Till Later
JLogging it ~ Jo Lee

P.S I'm sorry for the potentials of insulting anyone with my perspective on this matter. Know that it is just my perspective, and I am more than happy to know that people may be opposing of it. 

Sunday 15 June 2014

Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there! For those of us who still have our fathers around, tell him you love him, and give him a big hug. I don't know if you are like me, but I'm thankful for my dad. The sacrifices he's made to make my life complete are far too great to measure. It's beyond what I could imagine.

For those of you who's father can no longer hold their hands and walk together with them in life; know that your father is still with you. Though you may not see him, you know he is there. He is with you every step of the way, and will never leave you. He is forever in your heart, and watching over you like your own personal guardian angel. 

Fathers are a blessing to us. We should treasure them forever. Thank you fathers! Thank you for your sacrifices.
Here's a song, play it for your fathers!

Music is for Healing! <3
Till Later
JLogging it ~ Jo Lee

Thursday 12 June 2014

Who you really are.

The biggest questions I've had lately: Why do people not really show who they are. Why is it that people can be so two faced? You provide yourself a reputation to this one person, but a different to the next... but which is the real you? Are you lost at finding yourself and who you truly are, or are you discontent with who you have become? But for such a person, if they create for themselves an insulting nature, should you pity them for being unable to find out who they are and their potentials? It's not that I look down on people who think they should act differently around different people. In fact, I'd say that acting one way in a professional setting and another in a casual setting is a pretty generic thing. You see it happen lots where people show two sides that are both them, the fun loving, and the serious. Yet when it comes to people being inconsiderate and insulting versus caring and flirting, you can't help but consider, are they both sides of you, or which one is fake? To me, there is a limit to being too different in your personalities. Perhaps it's the point when other people get hurt that you measure it by, or perhaps you don't even measure it at all. After observing a few people that I've realized struggle with the problem of being true to their own nature, I've come up with this:
Some people really just don't know how to present themselves in society. Society provides an individual with a reputation based on single moments and actions, but along with the reputation comes social responsibility. Perhaps the coping factor of dealing with an unrealistic responsibility is to become two-faced, being neither 100% the given reputation, or not. They are able to show multiple personalities, which gives them a chance to explore their true natures before wishing to pursue a true reputation. Scientists have once said that till the mid 20's, one doesn't have a complete picture of who they are in life, and where they stand. But when it comes to such a matter, is it societies fault for creating false reputations, or is it a person's fault for implying false reputation. In ways it's both, in ways it's neither. The shallowness of society leads to the incapability for a person to really show who they are. As for the person them self, they are at fault for constantly changing personalities, without a consistency that people can rely on. It is important to find one's true self, and it does take time. But in the sense of finding one's true self, there should be some form of consistency, or else it results in false reputations and confusions. 
False reputations can hurt people who believe in them. Perhaps it's too naive to say that, and perhaps it's naive for the people to believe in such things. But we are human after all, and none of us are perfect. Here is a song that I've listened to lately. It's an older song, but for those who have hurt others, maybe you'll now what their thinking of. 
Because of You. Kelly Clarkson

Music is for healing! <3
Till Later
JLogging it ~ Jo Lee

P.S I'm sorry for the poor grammar, as well as potential insults I may have indirectly fired at you. Feel free to leave any comments below like previous years :)

Wednesday 11 June 2014

JLogging it --> BACK!!

Hey! Welcome to JLogging it :D It's been years since I last made a blog post, and I've missed writing things for you read. So, here we go again! Wishing you the best, and keep updated! I'll be making blogs at least once a week :)
Here's a song to keep you happy! These guys are unique, and pretty awesome. What else better to do with empty beer bottles than make music? Haha XD
Walking on Sunshine :D

Music is for healing <3
Till later!
Jo Lee