What Music Says

What Music Says

Saturday 19 September 2015

A new beginning.

First off, I'm terribly sorry to all the readers who have been posted on my updates. I know it's been too long, but lots of things have come up. I thank you for your patience, and I hope this post meets your expectations. 

Congratulations my fellow friends! I'm sure for most people, we have recently embarked on yet another wonderful adventure full of challenges and testing of boundaries, obstacles and new friendships, trust and honesty. To put in short, off to school/work we go! Whether it be elementary school, junior high, high school,  post secondary or a new job; there will be challenges.

As I have always said to myself, "Great moments in life come to an end, only so even greater moments may begin. These moments are like the sun, even though they are temporarily hidden by the clouds, we know it's there." That's kind of like life don't you think? The different stages of life come closer and closer to an end, only so you can start a new beginning. Each new beginning comes with a new experience, and a chance to find out more about who you really are. 

For me, I've just started my University life. Fascinating changes are flying by me faster than you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. (Did I spell that right? haha) But what can we obtain when we face change? How do we obtain who we are and not become assimilated into what people desire us to be? I think these are two challenges that everyone will face at least once in their lifetime, either subconsciously or consciously. First off, change is a good thing. Think of change as a blessing in disguise. I know as a child, when forced to change environments, it was complicated, difficult, and undesirable. However, trust me. There is always good to one side of change. Change creates in us a flexibility to become accepting, and to understand the complexity behind the change we cannot avoid; the unchangeable change. That's kind of odd to say eh? But this flexibility will help us adapt better to more societies in the future. It will shrink our self-built walls of protection, and show us the wonders in participating in a society potentially different from the first.

I'm sure there's much more to say on why you should coincide with the change and let it be. But let me tell you just one thing. You can rebel, get angry, be confused of your emotions and wish to go back to what you had; that's all a part of change. However, when the time comes to accept where you, don't lost track of it. Be who you are, show the world who you are. If you didn't like who you were, become who you want to be. But don't ever change who you are just to fit in with the picture. If you believe that is the optimal identity of what you want to associate yourself to, then so be it! Just remember, people now in North America aren't known as individuals because they fit in, but because they stand out. They aren't afraid to be different, to be who they are, and to show the world what they have to offer. Change is a great thing, but change shouldn't compromise your identity. Stay strong, stay you, but most of all, be happy.

I understand my approach to change may be biased, or misleading or even at times contradictory. But that's life! Sometimes you can't just stand a neutral ground, or make a clear evaluation, or even make sense when speaking to someone. But what does that say about the issue at hand? It means; experience it for yourself. Go live the change!

So that you all know, I also updated the poem I wrote in memory of my friend. For those of you who have yet to read it, here is a link. It's called Hourglass. Thanks for all the positive feedback I received in regards to my poem writing , as well as the suggestions. If you ever think there's something I can change or improve on, don't hesitate in shooting me an email or a post. Thanks for reading!

Just a little song for you. Nothing to do much with the topic of change, but I enjoy this song. Hopefully you do too :3 It's a song of Taiwanese origin, with lyrics in Mandarin. But I found a prettty good English Subbed version for you all :) This is Aaron Yan's That's Not Me. (Zhe Bushi wo)

Till Next Time ~
Music is for Healing <3
JLogging it!~ JoLee