Not all homeless people are homeless by choice. Some people really do meet rather unfortunate events. Here's a really cool story of how 3 students chose to help a homeless man. The feeling left behind is greater than the money he earned. But for the homeless man, he got the message; someone cared. Check it out! Music can heal!!
Sorry for the later posts, summer has been busy with my part time job and all. Thanks for your patience. Really glad to have readers like you. So... while working at a medical clinic these past two weeks, I've really come to realize that it's the patient you have to place first. You can't be caught up in your own circle of life, but outreach and speak to them. Rudeness is an automatic shut down, but being too straight forward and professional is a turn away too. I really like to people watch. Haha, sounds kind of creepy, but it's true. I like to watch how people interact with others and the world around them. That lead me to these few questions....Have you ever wondered why people seek to be acknowledged by other people? Is that the most important thing about living? To please others? Or is being content with yourself the most important?
It's tough though to think about. One can easily say... "Oh! I'm happy with what I'm doing, what other people think won't matter." but that generates isolation and solitude. That doesn't create happiness... Yet the other extreme of only making others happy may create a scenario where you aren't content with the decision that society expects you to make. That may leave you in a guilt trap all your life. Once again, there is no sense of happiness. So which really is more important? And what should one live by?
Honestly, I don't have an answer for you. I think both aspects are very important in life. You need to know when it is important to please people, but also know that you have a duty to be content with your own actions. While trying to think of an answer, I kept thinking about this quote. "Your life is your message to the world." What you do in your life displays who you are. What people see is largely a part of the real you. So how will you define yourself? How will you show your individuality and your identity? Are you a people pleaser, or are you more along the lines of independence? Either way, you are you, and your life is your message to the world. Live with the idea that you are generating a response to the world. A positive or negative lifestyle will leave a positive or negative message. What are you going to say with your life? Your life is a message to those around you, and those yet to come.
So.. here's a song. It's fairly cheesy, and I remember singing it way back when I was in Gr.3. Haha, but it's interesting.. the lyrics... bear with the singing, it's a bunch of little kids, but listen for the lyrics. We Can Make A Difference ~ Denise Gagne.
Music is for Healing <3
Till Later!
JLogging it ~ JoLee
Sorry for the late posts. I'm working on the next one. Hoping all your summers are fantastic!!! It has been really warm where I live, and it's really nice. I've been busy, but will get to you all shortly. Here's just a note for you to chew on :P
Though things may not end the way you planned for them to, there's always beauty and happiness in what has occurred. It just depends on how you view it.
Till Later!
Music is for Healing <3
JLogging it ~ JoLee
Have you realized that for some reason people's lives revolve around regret? People think about regrets in regards to past events, the inability to step out into the future, and most likely much more. Yet when it comes to regrets, where does it all come from, and why does it stick to us so much? Is regret greater than happiness or is regret so powerful that none else matters till we've achieved depression? In my terms, regret is the feeling of sadness or disappointment when you are incapable of getting something done, or forgiving yourself of past mistakes. Yet, that's not how we have to live. It's a cliche thing to say that we should take our mistakes as learning experiences, but it's true. Personally, I like to think of that phrase differently. Our mistakes were caused by a reason, mistakes are different than accidents. Mistakes are the result to our actions, but that just means that yes, we do learn from them. But why does some learn from their regret and why do some not?
I've realized that in my personal life, I learn from a regret when I come to terms and accept my mistake and think of my future. To acknowledge the reasoning for my actions and the reasoning of its consequence (good or bad) helps determine what needs to change. With that in mind, I should no longer worry over the past, I've done the most I can do with it. Therefore, you look to the future. What can I do to make my life better, other people's lives happier, and the world a better place? Use your regrets to further your potential and to help others. A regret doesn't have to stay a regret, it can become a stepping stone.
As for not learning, you realize it when opportunity knocks at your door for change, yet once again you choose to take the same actions that caused you regret in the first place. Sometimes it takes more than once for people to learn what they need to do. Honestly, I don't know why people don't learn. I personally also have experience where I don't learn either, and all I can say is.. sometimes it takes a friend to point it out. It really does hurt to live a life of regret. So I like to think that my regrets are brought upon me so that I can live a refreshed life once I've learnt to act upon it. Life gives so many opportunities. It's time to take them!
Here's a song just for you! This is a bit of insight on why I chose this topic.. perhaps there's no connection at all.. but I thought of it after hearing this song.
Sorry for the late post. Summer is busy as ever!
Music is for Healing! <3
Till later
JLogging it ~ Jo Lee